Parent Resources


  • Regular newsletters with updates on preschool activities and events.
  • Parent-teacher conferences held twice a year to discuss your child’s progress.
  • Open-door policy for parents to discuss any concerns with teachers or the director.
  • Classroom apps for daily updates, photos, and messages from teachers.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Classroom helpers for reading time, art projects, and special events.
  • Field trip chaperones.
  • Parent committees for organizing events and fundraisers.
  • Sharing skills or professions that can enrich the children’s learning experience.

Workshops and Events

  • Parenting workshops on topics such as positive discipline, child development, and nutrition.
  • Family events like picnics, holiday celebrations, and cultural festivals.
  • Parent-only social events to build community and support networks.

Health and Safety

  • Information on our health and safety policies, including emergency procedures.
  • Guidelines on managing allergies and administering medications.
  • Resources on promoting healthy habits at home.

Educational Resources

  • Recommended reading lists for children and parents.
  • Educational websites and apps for young learners.
  • Tips on creating a conducive learning environment at home.

Community Resources

  • Information about local libraries, parks, and recreational facilities.
  • Contacts for local child health and wellness services.
  • Support groups for parents and families.

Contact Information

  • For more information or assistance, please contact the preschool office at [Phone Number] or [Email Address].

Welcome to Little Learners

Welcome to Little Learners Preschool, where we believe that early childhood is a time of wonder, discovery, and growth. Our dedicated team of educators is passionate about providing a nurturing and stimulating environment for your child. We focus on holistic development, combining play-based learning with structured activities to foster creativity, critical thinking, and social skills.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

We look forward to welcoming you during these hours!

Quick Phone Contact

Call Us: (123) 456-7890